It's 3 mid-term tests in a week again, this situation is repeated and repeated.
It makes me feel tiring.
I always wonder why there are so many mid-term tests in Foundation in Science rather than Foundation in Arts.
But the students in Foudation in Arts have many assignments.
Okay, it's equivalent as well between these two.
I'm still considering to go to the supplementary test of Physics I tomorrow or not.
As I'm really feel exhauseted after many mid-term tests before this week(week 8).
I failed test 1 of Physics I and Mathematics II, but I passed test 1 of Physical Chemistry and Mathematics I.
So, should I go to the supplementary test of Physics T^T?
At WBLE, sir said:"never try, never know, and actually it's quite easy".
So, I will go to the supplementary test.
So, I have 3 tests in a week again?
God bless me, please.
I need to pass all the subjects this trimester in order to pass my foundation course.
I wanna proceed to my degree course-Biomedical Science.
I really hope I can pass.......